
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I try, but I simply cannot win against God.

My tears are often of joy and happiness,
And not of my sins that I regret,
For in me, is a God most Forgiving,
And in His love for me,
He does not tarry
Nor ever forget;

For every drop of sin,
God gives me a cup of mercy,

For every cup of sin,
He offers me a bottle of mercy,

For every bottle of sin,
He grants me a barrel of mercy,

For every barrel of sin,
He returns to me a trough of mercy,

For every trough of sin,
He entrusts to me a pond of mercy,

So I jump into a pond of sin!
But He takes the pond and drops it
Into a lake of mercy!

Undaunted I drink a lake of sin,
And finally, God engulfs my lake
In a Sea of Mercy.
And He tells me,

“You cannot win, my servant,

Whenever and however much
You may sin,

You cannot overcome Me,

You cannot win

Against My Mercy.”


From current and untitled chapter.

I have been thinking about sins. And while thinking about sins, I have also been sinning. And in the course of this enjoyable escapade, I have come to the conclusion that sinning is in fact, Not A Good Thing (yes... I am a little slow on the uptake). Having observed this obvious truth, I try not to be a pretentious sinner. I just wanna be a conventional sorta sinner. No great claims to any great sins. Just the everyday garden variety type of sins that average sinners commit - like leaving the toilet seat up or something.

Yet, at the age of 40, I must confess to you that the name of this blog is well-deserved by the writer. But even sinners need a God to plead forgiveness from. So here I am, o' Lord. Forgive me...

May God bless you on this beautiful Tuesday that He has made just for you to live, love, work and play in.

Pax Taufiqa.


  1. Why even bother trying to be a sinner? Just be a good servant and stop sinning.... ;-)

  2. What do you mean '...trying to be a sinner?'. I am one. But I admit that I am trying to be a good sinner.

    If only God made sins less tempting. But I guess that is the whole point.

