
Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Whirling Verse Part 1

I was once a verse, and I followed as...

The verses whirl
On their own accord,
Turning for the Pearl
And his Loving God.


This is part 1 of 3 of a sketchverse called 'The Whirling Verse' for the current and untitled chapter. I know its hard to read the words, but they are all there. Molecules whirl, atoms whirl, planets whirls, so why not verses?

Pax Taufica.


  1. dear Taufic,
    Thats a wonderful sketch. Love the series.

    Many blessings to you!

  2. Dear Sadiq,

    Thank you, sir. It was sketched upon a whim of a whim of a whim. And thanks for dropping by and commenting.

    I trust you are contented with His blessings already, but you can never have too much! So, many blessings to you too.

    Pax Taufica
