
Thursday, November 4, 2010

God Heart, the Light of Love, the End of Hell and Childhood Memories

34. Spinning
Send me if You will, into the blackest places of the Earth!
But will I not bring back the brightest of rubies for You?
And send me if You choose, yea, even to the Valley of Darkness!
And will I not set the Valley ablaze with the Light of Love?

O’ Lord! Your creation cannot contain me,
But Your Heart can.

… And I am the sleeper who mumbles nonsense,
Judged by the bookworms as both mad and reckless.
Poem is from the 13th Chapter entitled ‘What is in Your Basket” circa May 2005.

Paragraph 1 is an allegory on an ancient mystic tale pertaining to the End of Hell, and how saints of past have competed to be the first to end Hell. I have heard such stories concerning Abu Bakar as-Siddique and Abu Yazid al-Bistami. It is a wonderful tale and worth recalling. I may do it one day if God Wills and I feel like it.

Paragraph 2 is a play of an often quoted verse, “Neither My Earth nor My Heavens can contain Me, but the heart of a Believing Servant, contains Me.”
Paragraph 3 is my own admission of impudence for turning the said verse backwards. But you see, My Lord says He is the First and the Last. And He is the Lord that is Apparent and Hidden. So between the mirror, the reflection and the world, I just get really, really confused. But my confusion is a happy one, like a child running back and forth, torn between the loving embrace of my mother or the welcoming arms of my father.

Can you recall such feelings? God bless you. If we share such childhood memories, how can we not be brothers and sisters?

Have a wonderful day, sunshine.

Pax Taufiqa.
P/P/S Friday 5th Nov 2010 - I now recall an earlier posting pertaining to the End of Hell. Please click 'Mercy and the End of Hell'. The particular poem is the last one in the posting, it is entitled 'The Bridge'.
P/S - I opt for a 'Light' poem to welcome Deepavali tomorrow for my Hindu brethren, especially my friend Sumathi with whom I have spent many hours trading war-stories about our path and search for the inner light.


  1. I love ALL of your posts! Oh, I was talking about ‘the light of the Moon’, not ‘white lightnin’. Haaaa! Now, I would love to read this story that you alluded to if you ever feel like it:

    Paragraph 1 is an allegory on an ancient mystic tale pertaining to the End of Hell, and how saints of past have competed to be the first to end Hell. I have heard such stories concerning Abu Bakar as-Siddique and Abu Yazid al-Bistami. It is a wonderful tale and worth recalling. I may do it one day if God Wills and I feel like it.

    Brothers and Sisters

  2. Hullo, Anon! Thank you for dropping in and having interest in my sinful ramblings!

    There are in fact a number of sufi stories alluding to the End of Hell, apart from the tale of Abu Bakar and Abu Yazid (God bless their white light!).

    I am a sucker for compliments, and if you flatter me, you can get me to do anything. I will think how I wanna do the stories, and hopefully the post will be up by this weekend.

    God bless your anonymous soul, and may we one day share a drink on top Mount Qaf.

    Pax Taufiqa.
