
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pages Update

This morning I bumped into an early poem of mine entitled 'O'Poet'. As it is a prose that clarifies who I am and who I am not, I have added it to About what the Writer and the Blog is not page. The latest addition, as always, is at the bottom of the page.

In my review of my past writings, I keep coming across so many qualifications about what I write, that I myself begin to doubt my own veracity. I would be worried if I claim to be something that I am not. This is another one of those moments when I thank God and all the Angels that I chose to name my blog the Sinners Almanac. I, like the Prophet Jonah, do not wish to be judged on my merits. I choose Mercy over Truth. Sinners should always choose Mercy. And that is the truth.

Oh well... life goes on.

Have a great Sunday, sunshine.

Pax Taufiqa.

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