
Friday, November 26, 2010

With God, It's Always Friday.

1. I have been blind, forgive me
I have been blind and deaf
To my Lord’s kindness all this time,
And now, His Kindness is brightly
Burning in me that I am swimming
In an ocean of regret and shame.

And I know with certainty
I deserved nothing
At all of all that He
Has granted me.

What is the future for us, when
For each error we commit,
Our Lord has simply picked us up
With love, and whispered into our ears,
“O’ My servants, this way,
This way to happiness.”

I am torn as my heart answers,
“O my Lord,
Forgive me.
Forgive me for forgetting You
And for forgetting myself!”


I am thankful today for it is Friday. Work is slowly piling up, and I am expecting a busy weekend. No rest for the wicked! But being the end of the formal working week, Friday is a good day to reflect on the events of recent days.

How has your week been, sunshine? Mine has been a few minuses and a lot of plus. I do not believe (as the prose suggests) that I deserved any of the positives. Frankly, I question sometimes, is what I think is good for me really good for me? If I get a nice car, perhaps it is only for me to end up wrapping the car (and myself) around a large oak tree? If I were down with fever, perhaps it is only for me to avoid getting into the car and having the accident?

There are many ways to contemplate what might have been or what the future may hold for us - Without Love, it would be an exercise of nervous calculation, finding ourselves slaves to the whims of a cold and arbitrary fate.

But your fate is in God's hands, so do not worry. You have managed to pass through another week, and you have survived. Perhaps you are a little scarred, perhaps the world doesn't appear so rosy. But don't fret, because even if you have little faith in God, truly this is what I believe - God will always have faith in you and when you fall (and you will!), He will whisper into your ears saying, "O' My servant, this way, this way to happiness." And that, my friends, is what really matters.

TGIF, sunshine!

Pax Taufiqa.
Footnote - 'I have been blind, forgive me' is from the chapter entitled 'Love is not writing or saying', circa January 2009.

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