
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mikhail Aged 7 years old, and Kahlil Gibran Deceased for 80 years

KAHLIL GIBRAN. My dad, who (at least on the face of it) is not the most poetic man in the world, has a fancy for the prose of Kahlil (or sometimes Khalil) Gibran, that famous Lebanese American poet who passed on sometime back in 1931. He is reputedly the third best-selling poet of all time, before Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu. Anyway, after the controlled anarchy of Mikhail's birthday party yesterday, my mind drifted like a rudderless ship to this extract of a famous Gibran poem about God, parents and children. It is wonderful, really...
...You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

INHERITENCE. Recovering in bed this morning, I typed out this sms and sent it out to my family and friends who honoured Mika by their attendance to the party.
Thank u for being a good sport and coming to mika's birthday yesterday. It was d best birthday he EVER had, says Mikhail. People want to leave wealth and riches for their children, but d truth is, the real wealth u can leave yr children is education and wonderful memories. From me and my family, i thank u for making my son feel 'richer' for you being a part of yesterday and its happy memories. If there was any inadequacy or contratemp yesterday at d party, please accept our sincere apologies, for surely, it was unintended. Wasalaam.
MISS ME, JUST A LITTLE. I am not a great dad and perhaps I spend too little time with him. But whatever times we shared, I hope Mikhail shall be able to recall them with a smile. And if I depart this world before him, I hope that he shall recall such memories with a small tear of yearning - Missing me a little, not much, just a little.
PAST PRESENT FUTURE. The present is not for present gratification alone. In fact, I must always try to remind myself that really, the present doesn't exist save as a bridge between the past and the future. And I think that so long as we remember the past, our heritage and where we came from, and as long as we plan our present actions for the future of our children, surely we are living the present in the very best way possible. That way, we may fulfill the trust the All Loving God laid upon our souls those long uncounted years ago.
Have a nice Sunday, sunshine...
Pax Taufiqa.

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