
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Once Upon a Time, a Living Muslim Saint met a Dead Christian Saint

ONCE UPON A TIME, on a Sunday during the Ottoman Caliphate, Christians of a town was celebrating a dead Christian saint. On that auspicious day the Christians would carry the saint's ashes and personal paraphernalia through the streets and fairway in a holy procession of veneration and worship.
A Muslim saint, for he was one, was passing by and noticed the crowd. Curious, for he was that sort of a saint, he followed the procession which proceeded to the church. There amidst the throng of people seeking divine aid, the ashes of the Christian saint was presented for ceremonial healing of the sick and ailing.

The (Muslim) saint's eyebrows shot up in surprise to see the miraculous effects of the sanctified ashes upon the sick - the blind can sudddenly see, the lame could now walk and the deaf husband is cured to finally hear the continuous nagging of his wife. All walked away happy and contented that God had answered their prayers.
Well, Joe (Let's call the Muslim saint by this name) look confused, and once the faith healing ended, he walked away feeling perplexed - If he is on the right path, and the Christians aren't, why have God granted the miraculous healing? All done through the ashes and relics of a dead Christian saint. Why? .
That night while he slept in his friend's home he had a dream, in which a voice spoke to him. "The answer your heart desires is this - God is the Lord of all mankind. And if people seek His aid, He shall grant it to them, be they Muslims, Christians, Jews or of whatever faith that they say they believe in. For ultimately, they all believe in Him. He grants the miracles as a reward for their charity, dedication and piety in their belief." The voice then continued, "Do not ask then, 'Why is my Lord rewarding the Christians. Instead say, 'Surely, if this is how merciful and loving my Lord is to the good Christians, what marvelous rewards there must be for the good Muslims!'
I am a Muslim, but I am not here to preach the greatness of my religion. Christians, Jews, Hindus are more than welcome to err... amend God's answer - and replace the word 'Muslim' with Christian, Buddhist or whatever. If there is ever a need of competition between faiths let it be this - Who of the Lord's servants shall be the most kind, loving and just to his neighbour? Whoever that person may be, of whatever creed he may hold - I would be proud and humbled to be his brother, friend and companion.
Have a nice day, sunshine - May we live happily ever after...
Pax Taufiqa.


  1. Very, very beautiful. Thank you for this flower for all time.

  2. Dear Anon,

    The flower i plucked from your garden. Sorry i didnt ask for permission...


    The Sinner.
