
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seriously, Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously.

A FOOL. I think we sometimes read too much into situations. Giving meaning to events that never occured and reading people out of context. It happens more often than we care to admit. Thus, however interesting your assumptions may be, you may in fact be reading the circumstances all wrong. So perhaps it is wiser to keep silent. As the story goes - it is better not to say anything and let people suspect that you are a fool, then to open your mouth and leave people with no doubt that you are a fool..
SERIOUSLY? Whether you are an aspirant of the mystical path or not. Whether you are a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Wiccan or Muslim, I think it is important to have a sense of humour and the wisdom not to take yourself too seriously.
I AM THE CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSE. People aspiring to spiritual stations like to do this all the time - "Oh, humble me! Is there anyone more humble than me? I would love to think about you, but I am truly astounded by my own uniqueness and complexity."
BLOGEGO. Some of these people are truly the worst of the worst, a dark whirling pool of self-centred obsession - and you know how to recognise one? Well, they often write blogs.
Have a bright Sunday, sunshine.
Pax Taufiqa.
Footnotes - Toon is from unpublished archive

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