
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dzikr & Salawat, Hot & Cold, Mecca & Medina, New York & North Dakota - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 5

In the circle of seekers that I sometimes trespass into, they often depict the dzikr (remembrance of God) as a form of 'hot' worship while the salawat (praise and salutations of peace to the Prophet) has a cooling effect on the aspirants of the path.
This is an interesting reflection on the twin cities of Islam, Mecca and Medina. To be absolutely honest, I have not heard any pilgrims recounting how comfortable and convenient Mecca is compared to Medina. Medina, which contains the Raudah of the Prophet is always said to be more friendly, more clean and more comfortable. While Mecca, which is the home of the Baitullah (House of God) is often mentioned to be a chaotic, awe-inspiring, uncomfortable and more dangerous. Visitors also observe that the holy city is littered with the debris of life and humanity.
Even during the times of the Prophet, Mecca was already famous as a centre of pilgrimage of Christians, Jews and heathens. It was also an important trading centre of Arabia, and a great cosmopolitan hub, full of traders coming from Africa, the Mediterranean, India and Asia Central. Medina was quiet city, known rather as a farming community and its excellent dates (Abdullah, the father of the Prophet, passed away returning from Medina bearing its dates to celebrate the birth of his son, Muhammad. There is story here, but perhaps for another time.) Let's just say that Mecca is like New York and Medina is more Bismark, North Dakota.
So now I am going to visit the Prophetic version of NY and ND... coming home to Mecca and Medina, with my friends. But first stop - Jerusalem, via Amman and Tel Aviv. This should be very interesting... And I am not even packed yet! Help!
Have a nice Sunday, sunshine.
Pax Taufiqa.

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