
Friday, March 4, 2011

Mikhail & The Council of Temptations

TAKING MIKA OUT FOR LUNCH. I haven't taken Mikhail out for lunch for the longest time, so yesterday I had an early lunch break and picked my son in school. I waited in the car while Heche went to get him in class. When they arrived he was talking about how popular he was now. I inquired Heche and she said that it is apparently true - as Heche brought my son out he was constantly being greeted by his friends, their shouts and goodbyes distinctively more cheerful compared to my son's muted "Oh, hi." Mikhail seemed very much in his own thoughts, only to be drawn out by the most insistent. I wonder what he is thinking about most of the time.
I AM NOT PAYING FOR PAPA. We partook our lunch at The Decanter, which has been our neighbourhood restaurant for the longest time. While waiting for our food, Mika found a brochure for Karaoke packages at The Decanter's other outlet in downtown Kuala Lumpur. He said he had RM2000.00 in his bank account. Heche then said if that was true, Mika can treat himself and her for a Karaoke package for their next birthdays. Mika said yes, he was paying... but not for Papa. To confirm this promise he wrote it on the brochure.
THE COUNCIL OF TEMPTATIONS. The choice liquor was Chivas it appears. Mika asked me what is Chivas. I search for a good answer and said that it was like an energy drink. I don't actually have a taste for alcohol. It is not because I am good or have overcome the temptation of the drink. Simply put, I don't enjoy liquor. I think that when the Council of Temptations sat to discuss the sort of temptations to test me, one wise member probably said, "You know, this temptation of alcohol that you wish to test Taufiq with - it is no good. He will surely fail the test." So I was borne with a distaste for the golden amber. I am glad, because I think the Council was probably right. I already have self-control issues with food, cigarettes and sleep. Love for liquor would surely be the straw that broke the camel's back. But just a word of caution, pet - this Council of Temptations sits everyday... so the temptation that they impose on you may change from time to time. It is true. I can vouch for this!
COMPETITIVE STREAK. We finished lunch without much controversy. Mikhail appears happy in his new school, sharing with us the belief that he has supplanted his friend in the popularity ratings. My son is competitive in all sorts of ways. I think he will annoy many of his friends with this competitive streak. But when you are only 7 years old, you are permitted to have such eccentricities. Later he will have to learn to keep this need to be better than the rest under wraps. And learn that however we want, we cannot be the best in everything. For me, I just want Mikhail to be the best Mikhail that he can be. That is enough.
We all adore our children, don't we? There is no doubt in my mind, that you and I, we are all brothers and sisters in unity of worship for God Almighty, the creator of our fascinating and precocious sons and daughters.
Pax Taufiqa.

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