
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In Jakarta for the first time EVER...

If the picture above looks to you like airplane food, then no surprises, you are right. By some strange whim of fate, the sinner found himself being flung 444 mph into the air again, the destination this time - Jakarta, Indonesia. And I have barely just unpacked my luggage from my pilgrimage last week! (Yes, I am slow that way)

I am in my hotel room, my hair is doing its famous 80's disco mix impersonation and frankly I think I should sleep. I am sorry but we have just finished a pre-pre meeting for tomorrow, and I am taking my time adjusting to the climate, the people, the food and the money. I think I have jetlag. Time difference? Oh... only one hour, but I am sensitive to this sort of things. Before we get to know each other better in this posting, I think it is good to know about one's weaknesses, don't you agree?

This is my first time in Jakarta. My first impression is very good. They are very polite. Very humble. I am afraid that if we go head to head with her, Malaysia would lose to Indonesia by a wide margin in the humility stakes. Hmmm. Note to Prime Minister of Malaysia - 'We must be more humble'.

I have been contributing to the Camel Saloon, a poetry website. The fact that they publish my poems does not affect this totally impartial and independent opinion that the site is wonderful. Full of goodness, wholesome or otherwise, for the pen und proseheads. My poem is the fourth poem entitled No. 36 Yes AND No. It is also published in a separate page HERE.

Well, its past midnight, pet. You will forgive me if I take my leave now? Must give my best tomorrow - for God, King and Country.

Have a liverly evening.

Pax Taufiqa

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