
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I am Nothing but a Mirror of You

I am Nothing but a Mirror of You
What little I have of Generosity
I borrow from Mother,
What little I have of Ambition
I borrow from Father,
What little I have of Taste
I borrow from Abang Cik,
What little I have of Passion
I borrow from Abang Ein,
What little I have of Grace
I borrow from Mak Ndak,
What little I have of Chutzpah
I borrow from Mak Su,
What little I have of strength
I borrow from Ariffin,
What little I know of Ping Pong
I borrow from Pak Su,
What little I have of Writing
I borrow from Tolkien, Bryson,
Herriot and Wodehouse,
What little I have of Charm
I borrow from Shahzad,
What little I have of Promise
I borrow from Russell,
What little I have of Salvation
I borrow from Katherine,
What little I have of Compassion
I borrow from Abang Shem,
What little I have of Acumen
I borrow from Amirul,
What little I have of style
I borrow from Feisal,
What little I have of Happiness
I borrow from Mikhail,
And what little I have of Honesty
I borrow from Sumathi.

But whatever I have of Folly
I borrow from none but me.

So come into my life, sunshine
And join the Distinguished List,

To extinguish me as I am
By your sweet virtue,

To make me less of me
By borrowing some of you,

Until I am Nothing
But a Mirror of You.

We all have people we look up to. People we admire and wish, "Damn, I wish I was like him/her!" Well, since each word that stumble from our unthinking lips is essentially a prayer, then I don't see how it is possible that God won't answer you. Come into my heart and light my white lilies, sunshine. I have many switches, pick one, and turn me on.

Have a sublime 24 hours, sunshine. Until the next 24 hours.

Pax Taufiqa.

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