
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Intimacies with the Most Exalted Muse

24. Most Exalted of Muse
If I can say one thing
With certainty to you,

Is that on this path
You shall always
Be entertained,
You shall always
Be regaled with
Sights and sounds
To inspire
Within you
A lifetime of
Prose, song
And stories.

For you are
Yearning for
Intimacies with
The Most Exalted
Of Muse!

How lucky
Are you!


In good times, we sing happy songs. In bad times, we sing the blues. Our life is a life of songs, and sorrow is nothing but a milestone between one goodness to a better goodness. Ascending one understanding to a better understanding. And if I falter, take my hand, sunshine, and lead me.

Pax Taufiqa.

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