
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Motherhood, Womanhood and Godhood

Get Me Down From Here
There is no good raising my mother on a pedestal,
For she will only say…
“Hey, get me down from here, I look ridiculous!

There is no good praising her with praise,
For she will only say…
“That is not important, what is important is you.”

There is no good putting up many pictures of her in my house
For she will only say…
“That is just too much, take some of them down.”

There is no good reminding people of her,
For they will only say…
“How can I forget your mother, she was so friendly!”

And finally, there is no good writing poems of her,
For she will only say…
Really, you are wasting your time with this frivolous activity!

COOKIE. My mother, God bless her sweet soul, is an awesome cook. And that means getting the ingredients as fresh (and as cheap) as possible at the neighbourhood wet markets. Thanks to my father who gave her considerable allowance for housekeeping, she was not only able to keep her family fed (perhaps too well) but also feed close and far relatives and friends, all day, every day. In her lifetime, our house was a hive of hospitality, and my Mom was the queen bee.

WOMANHOOD AND GODHOOD. Technology of the Heart is a blog I used to frequent a lot, but of late, between work and my own writing I have had very little time to read blogs or books (I have 3 books still waiting for me to complete). So I count myself lucky to drop in today because there I read 'Divine Feminine in Islam and Fatima' (Parts 1 and 2 – Click Here). It is a sublime and indepth exposition on the idea and ideal on women and femininity in Islam. If you are a rare visitor to the Sufi world, or even like me, an occasional trespasser in mysticism, you will still be amazed by what is written... I kid you not.

I write a lot about my mother. But I bet she is like all mothers out there, caring, loving and with a stubborn belief in the goodness and promise of their children. We must not let them down, sunshine... I know you won't.

God bless God, and God bless Motherhood and Womanhood.

Pax Taufiqa.


  1. Pal peq you constantly write about her because mother is heaven in the eyes of her children ;)

  2. Taufiq,
    Did you write the comment that appeared today (Sun May 22, eastern time, USA) on Technology of the Heart, formerly called Inspirations and Creative Thoughts? It is on the post dated Wed May 18 titled Divine Feminine in Islam and Fatima, Part 2. It doesn't sound like you at all. If you didn't write it, let me know how I can send a private message for further details!

  3. P.S. I should have read your current post today before writing the question above. You probably did write the comment on Technology of the Heart, so all is clear! It still doesn't sound like you!!

  4. Dear Anon,

    The comment was indeed mine if this is what you read...

    "I am a student to your words. God bless you in all your endeavour. This posting is sublime beyond words... I must link this from my sinners almanac, because gems, if they are meant to be worth anything at all... must be shared.

    God bless all mankind, God bless the Nation of Muhammad, God bless Muhammad, God bless God in His Most Exceeding Grace and Beauty...

    Thank you on behalf of the world. Thank you on behalf of Mankind and Djinn. THank you for my friends and family. And THank you from me.

    Pax Taufiqa."

    I found his writing very appealing and wanted to link it as I have done above. If you indeed still desire to write to me, I will be pleased to reply at

    Happy Sundae!


  5. The link was a difficult read for me. Too sublime for my untrained heart.

  6. Thanks for your reply Taufiq. All is cleared – your comment copied here is the same as the one I read originally. Just checking.

  7. Dear Sonia,

    Hahaha. I add the word 'indepth' in describing the article because I did think that it requires a bit more effort in reading compared to my rambling. But I find Sadiq Alam's writing beautiful still and his research very very good.

    Reading of my postings, if it is of any value at all, are just akin to dipping your toes by the shallow end of a vast ocean. It is just sometimes I feel that I write things too lightly, and readers would perhaps enjoy something a little more thorough and detailed.

    Hehehe. Untrained heart? Surely not. As a heart, I am still in a baby stroller. And Hu knows who is pushing me around... tolerating my incessant crying and tantrums?

    Pax Taufiqa.

  8. Dear Sonia,

    Hahaha. I add the word 'indepth' in describing the article because I did think that it requires a bit more effort in reading compared to my rambling. But I find Sadiq Alam's writing beautiful still and his research very very good.

    Reading of my postings, if it is of any value at all, are just akin to dipping your toes by the shallow end of a vast ocean. It is just sometimes I feel that I write things too lightly, and readers would perhaps enjoy something a little more thorough and detailed.

    Hehehe. Untrained heart? Surely not. As a heart, I am still in a baby stroller. And Hu knows who is pushing me around... tolerating my incessant crying and tantrums?

    Pax Taufiqa.

  9. Dear Anon,

    I am glad the mystery, is resolved, sherlock. But one question still mystifies me, why do I not sound like me?

    Have a lovely day. Its 2am here and all respectable people should already be asleep... and that is why I am still up!



  10. Saved by the 2:00 curfew! What threw me was when you said “…I must link this from my sinners almanac…”. I thought you meant that you were going to make a link in your blog roll of his blog, which you had already done months ago. Of course you meant a link in your post about his post!! When that strange little clue emerged, everything else seemed unfamiliar, like, who is this imposter! HAAAA! But as Poirot said to Holmes, we have to keep the little grey cells sharp as tacks and check out every odd clue. No?

  11. ...and I am a little child playing by the side of the shallow end of a vast ocean. Hu knows.

    Have a good Monday!
