
Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Nun & the Taliban

No, no. Not 'Friar'... its Nun Tuck.

I have had the pleasure of reading Nun Tuck's Almanac today in an article entitled 'Who are the Taliban?-CLICK HERE' She is a Christian fellow blogger and someone whose writing resonates closely to my better heart.

In a world where Islam and the Prophet is often savagely mishandled by writers and journalists, I always find her articles on Islam refreshing. She has a delicate touch and is well-informed, so kudos to her teachers and abbot. In fact, this is another one of her writings which I secretly wish I had written. I am envious that way.

Well, you shouldn't be surprised with my jealousy. I am after all just a sinner.

On a celebratory note, Its Mother's Day!, sunshine.

Pax Taufiqa.

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