
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Siths to the Sufis - The Bombing of Sufi Shrines

GOOGLING. Just from a 3 minutes googling about 'Sufi Shrine Bombing Pakistan', the following news were found...

"25th October 2010 (BBC). Six killed in the bombing of a Sufi shrine in Punjab province of Pakistan.
3rd April 2011 (CNN). A suicide bombing at a Sufi shrine in central Pakistan's Punjab province on Sunday killed at least 41 people and wounded more than 100 others, police said.
July 2 2010 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan’s death toll in yesterday’s twin suicide attacks on the shrine of a Sufi saint in the eastern city of Lahore rose to 41. At least 175 people were injured. The first bombing took place at 11:20 p.m. in the basement of the tomb, an area reserved for ablutions, and the second bomb exploded minutes later in the main prayer area which was crowded with worshippers who gather every Thursday for special rituals, Khusro Pervez, Lahore’s commissioner, told reporters. The shrine of Persian Sufi saint Syed Abul Hassan Bin Usman Bin Ali Al- Hajweri is also known as Data Gunj Baksh."

WHY ARE YOU SILENT? When these Muslim bandits killed hundreds of Muslims in these shrine bombings where were the protests and condemnations from the elders and some so-called Ulamaks (Islamic scholars) and politicians? But when one lunatic (Osama ben Laden) is killed, the hue and cry from the bearded brigade were overwhelming. This behaviour and silence (which is of course equivalent to tacit approval) disgusts me to the core. And I am a sinner. A stupid know-nothing ignoramus. These people are smart with degrees from Universities. Why are they doing nothing?

26. Dissipated and Embarrassed II
The deniers and naysayers
Are herding the people
To a corner of reality
Meant only for animals!

As animals have no cemeteries,
And no thought for their passed kin,
So too are these despicable teachers
Teaching people to behave
Like animals,
And forget their ties
To their ancestors,
And to cut the chain of love
That binds those who appear alive
To those who appear dead!

In their way from
The single point of singularity,
They are exhibiting gross manners!

Stop thine ears and
Heed not their siren calls!
For they will tell thee that
They are calling thee to God,
But you will want to have nothing to do
With their conception of God!

DEATH AND DESTRUCTION FOLLOWS THEM. They have forgotten Muhammad ibn Abdullah, Beloved of God, Greatest of Creation - and for this error, wherever these Muslim bandits go, death and destruction follows. It is just right that all sensible people, both Muslims and non-Muslims treat such people with caution. For their heart is rusty from judging people, and their conscience is empty because they use God as the one-size-fit-all excuse for all their mayhem.

I am a sinner, so I don't matter. But you, sunshine. You are the breath of reasonableness and compassion, whether you are a Sufi, Kabbalist, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu or Wiccan. You must reject these bloodthirsty idiots parading as so-called Jihadis. They are no Jihadis. They have no inkling what the word 'Jihad' means. They can grow their beards long enough to trip their legs, but there is no wisdom in their lore. There is only hate and hubris. They are the opposite to the good guys, they are the Siths to the Sufis.

Thank God, I have you. My very own Jedi Knights of the Futuwat.

Pax Taufiqa.

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