
Friday, June 24, 2011

THE GREEN LANTERN - A Movie Review (of sorts)

THE GREEN LANTERN. I saw the Green Lantern last week at the Cineplex. For a comic hero adaptation it wasn’t too bad. But as far as the superhero genre goes, it must trail behind X-Men: First Class and Thor, which I think have better scripts and character development. I do not mind romantic interludes in such movies, but the suspension of reality in the Green Lantern exercises my mind too much. And no, I am not talking about the idea of green-costumed alien guardians of the universe, and one landing here on planet earth. And I am not talking about the amazing green ring powered by ‘will power’ (which in itself is a risible notion). No, I am talking about Ms. Blake Lively who takes on the role of Carol Ferris, Ryan Reynold’s smoochie in the movie…

CAROL FERRIS. First, you are expected to believe that an incredibly hot babe is a jet fighter pilot. And not just any ordinary sort, but a test pilot. Oh, okaaay...
Secondly - she is not only amazingly pretty, but she is also the daughter of the owner of the Ferris Aircraft Company. Alright… she’s born lucky...
Thirdly - she is also the corporate vixen! Garbed in the tightest of skirts and the tallest of stilettos.! Hmm… and you want me to take you seriously? How?
Fourth - she used to be Ryan’s ex-girlfriend. As if anyone would be stupid enough to dump or be dumped by her. Riiiight…
And fifth and most unbelievably - She dumped him because he is irresponsible and probably had a naughty eye for other women. And yet she is still his co-test pilot, his super-understanding boss (who forgives him crashing a hundred million dollar jet fighter), and also an old-buddy-friend kinda ex-girlfriend, sweet (and forgiving) enough to relax with Ryan at the local pub and commiserate with the ungrateful (and obviously blind) hound. Hey… waaaaitaminute…

No poems, Rumi, Love, Sufism or other transcendental doodah in this posting, sunshine. The sinner is resting his soul by the shore of this world of form. Sometimes I think this apparent world is simply wonderful...

And btw, you can still watch The Green Lantern this Saturday, you know. It ain’t actually appalling.

Pax Taufiqa.

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