
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Merdeka Poem - Malaysia's 54th Independence Day. Happy Birthday, Baby.

Happy Birthday, Baby.
hey, baby... happy 54th birthday. there is a bit of laughlines on your face and sometimes your eyes betray a sadness. but honestly, i cannot live without you... your moods and your many endearing manner still captivates my heart. There were some who said we won't be together for long, and how happy i am that we proved them wrong. i only hope that i will be given more time to get to know you better, and to be better for you, Malaysia.

To all Malaysians, Selamat Hari Merdeka! To everyone else, come and visit us!

Footnote II: Merdeka Poem 2012, 55th Hari Merdeka Click Here

wa min Allah at-taufiq.

Footnote I - Hari Malaysia 16/08/2011 Poem Here

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