
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Owner of Heaven and Earth - Prose of Ramadhan Part 9

Last Night, the Owner of Heaven and Earth asked me (Ramadhan Verses #8)
God does not rise with the sun,
Nor set in the evening tide,
God did not come and go
Like the wind at night,
Nor was He ever still
Like a mountainside.
God is not like the sky
Nor is He the Rain
At my door.
God is not a kiss
Generous or short,
Nor is He the embrace
In my mother’s dream.
God is not the marriage contract,
Nor the bargain between two merchants,
God is not the music, nor the song,
He is not the Ocean,
To these transient things
His nature does not belong.
But in His Keeping
Do all things belong -
Loveliness in prose.
Moses in repose.
The sun at its peak,
The moon at its fullness,
Thus, are you not happy with the earth,
That you need heaven to spur
You to goodness?

HEAVENLY HOUSE. Heaven must be a lovely place. In its brochures and other assorted marketing materials of the Almighty (also known as the holy scriptures), He goes no holds barred about just how fine your heavenly abode could be. “I am not selling you a house” God is saying. “I am selling you a home. Behave yourself and this celestial crib is yours freehold for all eternity.”

GOD’S MARKETING MEN. And such is God’s ambition for you, that He has created and anointed a line of Prophets to make sure that not only does the marketing reaches you, but it is done by the very best of salesmen, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Aaron, etc… You know, the sort of guys that could sell iceboxes to Eskimos. After sales services is later provided by the Saints.

NOAH. Actually, I think if I was to ask saay… Noah himself, he would reply that “Selling iceboxes to Eskimos? I could do that in my sleep! Try guiding mankind to goodness!

GET ME OUTTA HERE! I AM A CELEBRITY! Hehehe. I do not know if I will get to heaven. It is my cunning plan to write the stuff that I write and reach as many readers as possible – that way the chance that some (or perhaps even all of you) of my readers will get to heaven will be better. Just remember that if you don’t find me there, make sure to ask God nicely, “Oh God… where is Taufiq? Can you bring him here, wherever his vices has landed him at…”

You know, I would be so grateful… and thank you in advance for your future heavenly intervention, sunshine. I am counting on you!

Pax Taufiqa.

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