
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Veneration of Muhammad, a Love beyond Religious Dogma - Prose of Ramadhan Part 30

Are You Him? (Ramadhan Verses #16)
Don’t tell me about Muhammad,
For it pains me to hear his name,
And it hurts me in places of my heart
That I cannot name.

Don’t tell me about Muhammad,
For it overthrows my mind,
It sinks my ship,
It drops me from a place
Of self-regard to a place
That I cannot name.

Don’t tell me about Muhammad
If you wish me to be as I am,
To think of worldly things and money.
For his name catapults me out
Of the orbit of this world
Into a celestial seclusion
That I cannot name.

Don’t tell me about Muhammad,
If you do not wish to see me cry,
If you do not wish to see me
Quake and shiver like a fool,
Besotted by one so beautiful,
Having regard of him from a place
That I am forbidden to name.

Don’t tell me about Muhammad,
If you do not wish me to blush with shame,
To feel the blood in my vein
 Inflamed by a white fire
That is sparked from a sun
That I cannot name.

Don’t tell me about Muhammad,
If you do not want to see me grow distant,
As I turn away from you, and you and you.
For I am only looking for him,
And you are not him?

If you are Muhammad,
Then tell me that you are Muhammad.
Do not tease me this way,
Do not flirt with my emotion,
Unworthy as they are,
Foolish as they are.
Do not leave me this way,
A lovesick dog, dying at
The grave of its Master…

So I ask you again,

…Are you him?

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