
Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Bridesmaid of the Sun and Her Veil

7. Shams-al-shams
O’ Pale Shining Moon
Bridesmaid of the Sun
How many veils have been drawn
Between this one
And the Sun of the Sun?

And a few days later...
12. Shams-al-shams II
One night the moon crept low to earth
And I wondered again,
How many veils have been drawn
Between this one
And the Sun of the sun
And the answer came; What veil?

These 2 poems were written more than 7 years ago. I know this because it was written when Mikhail was born. Life was born, and death dies. Good and bad things have happened, but the sinner is still the same. Mika is bigger though. Cleverer and wiser. He brightens up the house when he returns and when he leaves, it always feels like someone switched off a light in the wellness of my soul. We have sparkling nonsensical conversations, and his observations about life and people is worryingly mature.

God bless our children, and God bless our parents. Sometimes, when the divine hue of the moon is just so, when the number of Angels in company is just so, and the runes in the sky are all in perfect symmetry, again I can hear the whisper from the moon... What Veil, mortal?
What Veil, mortal?
wa min Allah at-taufiq.

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