
Friday, September 16, 2011

Hari Malaysia Poem 2011 - The Alchemy of Malaysia

The Alchemy of Malaysia is...
The Art of uniting people
Of different racial, religious, ethnic,
Economic, cultural, and political background
Into a Golden Realm.

Hehehe. We are far from being a Golden Realm. But since 16.09.1963, when Sabah and Sarawak joined the Federation of Malaya (which earlier gained its independence in 1957) to create Malaysia, we have stumbled and grumbled our way through 48 years of general amity with glitches of disunity.

It is okay to dream. In fact I think there is nothing wrong at all thinking that Malaysia can be better. We may not be golden, and we have become a little rusty and rough around the edges. But I was born from a kindly family, just as my Indian, Chinese, Iban, Kadazan, Orang Asli etc... were all sprung from a noble heritage. 

I think that in the pursuit of unity in diversity, we must always remember our heritage and traditions. For that is what makes any country as rich in diversity as Malaysia unique. To step forward holding hands, we should know how we got here in the first place, yes?

But before I leave you to enjoy our Friday, I must share with you a posting by Aida Tourer entitled the Alchemy of Colors (CLICK HERE), which made me think about my country and its own alchemy. Thank you, Aida. 

From Malaysia, to the rest of the world, our greeting of peace, love and also beauty. Beauty because we are really damn good looking (okay... hehehe. Just kidding).

wa min Allah at-taufiq

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