
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Heart Breaker and Heart Broken - Man proposes but Love conspires better!

10. Heart Surgery II
We associate to mend hearts,
Not argue theology.

So let us not quibble on dogma
And leave such pastimes
To those bewitched with religion.

OUCH. Have your heart been broken? It doesn't feel like the slice of a sharp surgical knife, does it? No, it feels like a dum-dum bullet has been shot into your soul, blowing a hole and shattering your heart.

HEART BREAKER HEART BROKEN. I have been both a heart breaker and a broken heart. And neither feels good. For the longest time I was wandering the world carrying both burdens. Then I came across a couple of friends, associated as a Society for the Mending of Hearts (S.M.H.). No, they are not perfect. Far from it. But it feels so much better to know that we are not alone. The pain that I used to feel is deeply personal, and if God is anything at all, to me He is the One Most Personal. Once before I used to ask God, "Why do I suffer this...?" But now I assure God, "Oh, Lord. Be consoled. Sorry for letting You share in this sorrow that I feel. Forgive me for burdening You so... I will find a way out of the gloom. Come with me, my Lord."

ONE TRUE LOVE. I am wistful listening to Christina Perri's song, "Jar of Hearts". I am remembering my old sadness and how lonely it felt. I feel pity for the person I used to be. But I also look back with gratitude, because had I not felt alone and left out, I would not have started looking for...*stop*. I wanted to say, "...looking for the One True Love." But that simply isn't true. The truth is I didn't know what I was looking for. And I guess, the truth is Love found me. And Love didn't put me in a Jar. Love took me out of the cage of my own sorrow and hubris.

LOVE CONSPIRES. On another happy example of Love - a maiden received a visit from her beau's family during the Eid celebrations. They are actually both friends of mine. It was just a 'social visit' but 7 cars full arrived at her kampung house (village house) in the northern state of Perlis. I do not know what actually transpired, whether the parents and relatives of the boy was so taken by the gentle hospitality of her family, or perhaps she really did make an awfully good cup of coffee when the boy's father asked her to make one. Well, whatever happened, in a quiet moment, the father gestured and whispered to the mother, "I think you should merisik (pre-engagement proposal) her..." And so the visit ended with an engagement ceremony slotted for end of December this year. Man proposes, but wonderfully Love Conspires Better... Congratulations to Messrs FF and SK.
No. This isn't the Kampung house mentioned above. 
But it was also full of Love during Eid. Thank you, Ani, for the pic!
God bless all peace makers and heart menders.

Pax Taufiqa.


  1. welcome, SK. May this be the beginning of something awfully wonderful.
