
Friday, September 30, 2011

Some pictures and sketches from Mecca - Umrah Pilgrimage Part 27

You would find me often outside this small mosque. It is reputedly built
on Hamzah's former home. Hamzah was a Quraysh elder and the Prophet Muhammad's uncle.
It is a rather dilapidated little building on a dilapidated little alley. I would sit there for an hour
or two, eating my guava and listening to my music as I watch workers, pilgrims and shoppers
walk past. Oh, and street-sweepers. They are around all the time, fighting a losing battle
against the litter and rubbish that sadly blight this city.
I was outside this mosque one afternoon when a head popped out of the door
and chucked the residue of a packed lunch onto the sidewalk. And later as I was walking
on the main road, there was a boy finishing his can of pop. And he simply threw the can
into the road. Not just putting it aside, you know. Or not just getting up to drop it in a
litter bin nearby. He had to throw it. I cannot understand the attitude. Is it part of a
job-creation program for the street-sweepers? As the weather grew warmer flies
became more in-you-face and made me wish that people would not litter so...
We were heading for morning prayers but got caught on the street. Many people
end up simply praying on the sidewalk and pavements when this happens. It is early morning but trust me
that there would be thousand upon thousands of worshipers already in the Mosque. It
is like a 7-11. It never closes and there are always people praying.
Life goes on in Mecca like in any big cities. The poor fella (it is always a fella  because
remember, women are still not allowed to drive here) will come out and find his car has been towed.
Courtesy of the Mecca city authorities. 
I saw a man. A tall giant of a guy. I decided to named him Hamzah.  He looked  like someone I would
not want to cross words with. A tough looking hombre. But as it turns out, he was just another
pilgrim. A soul seeking solace and some decent bargains for souvenirs for his family back home. Just like me. 

It is Friday. Have a lovely day, sunshine. And may you find solace wherever you are and in anything that you do.

Pax Taufiqa

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