
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

LIFE AS A DIVINE CONVERSATION - "You Love Me?" Asked God. "Why?"

You Love Me? Why?
The most venerable of traditions,
The most eloquent books of praise
I read and recited for God,
And I found religion.

Then one night,
As I was reciting some ancient spell
Extolling love and yearning
For our Creator, He answered and asked,
"Why? Why all these beautiful words for Me?"

"Why? Because You told me to, of course."

"Really, is that the only reason?" He replied and said no more.

From that night on I always sought to find the answer.

Religion is easy. Just do as you are told. But in the context of spirituality, it requires a little more exploration, a bit of adventure through this world. And to answer God's ultimate question - You say you love Me? But why? And it is not enough for us to say "Well, the holy scriptures and traditions of your Prophet (and Prophets and Saints) all say that we ought to love You." For we are not Angels without error. We are human with the innate power of choice, or some would call it a crown of thorns or a bed of nails. We can choose, so it is in that choosing that we may find the answer to God's question.

To briefly answer God, I guess we can say that we love Him because of what He has ordained for us. That we awake in the morning, alert and fresh. That we turn to find our children by our side, their eyes sparkling like heavenly pearls stolen from God's own treasury. That the Sun gracefully peeks through the open doorway like a kindly uncle coming once again into our life, to banish darkness and bring light. That for all our mistakes and judgement errors, we are not dispossessed of hope. That despite the cunning duplicity of our egos and how it tries to divide humanity, we can still look across race, religion and nation and still feel empathy. That the love which God says He has for us is felt in every quivering of the restless atom, in every thought which is planted in our mind, in every affectionate gesture we receive from our family, our friends and our lovers.

A Divine Conversation through the Garden of Creation. It was last night when Heche said, "I love you." To which I queried, "Why?" And really, is life not finding God's grace in the best, in the biggest and the smallest drop of Mercy and Compassion which He constantly rain in our lives? What is life if it is not a divine conversation - A walk through the Garden of Creation with the sublime company of God's inspirations? To this end, I walk this world with my Prophet, Muhammad the Mercy to all the Worlds. Perhaps you are walking with Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Son of Mary. Or maybe Buddha? Or perhaps Moses the Red-haired?

Well, whoever you are walking with, I am happy you are with me today, sunshine. I cannot think of any other company finer than thee.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

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