
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Old Pictures and Human Clutter - Memories define who we are

UN-CLUTTER. I have been trying and failing to un-clutter my life. So many souvenirs, pictures, knick-knacks and brick-bracks collected from trips and studies abroad, friends and houses I have visited, weddings, dinners, luncheons, suppers and teas I have attended, places I have worked, cinemas, theatres, clubs, shops and car parks that I have graced with my presence (we have a vibrant brochure-in-the-wiper-blades industry here) and the other occasions and sudden acquaintances with humanity which is part of our rich tapestry which makes up our 24 hours in a day.

OLD PICTURES. I have a special place in my heart about pictures though. I find it very hard to throw them away. I guess un-cluttering our lives is not simply about chucking away rubbish, but rearranging and reorganizing our thoughts and memories, both happy and sad - often embodied by old pictures of places we have been to, friends we have known and our own beloved family. No. I find it very hard to throw photographs. And I don't think I will.

SOME WHERE. After all, there is probably some place some where out there in the world where there is a picture of you, kept in an old album. And for some unknown reason, the person still keeps your picture.

We need memories. Memories are what defines us. But there was once a time, in a place before no 'place' was ever created, before time itself was given meaning, before anything else, when it was just me and Him. This is not actually a 'memory' but I think this is also a moment that continues to define what we are. All of us.

1. Alone with You
Alone with You,
Without memories,
With no history,
No tales to distract me,
No thoughts to consume me,
No regrets nor unconsummated promises
To bind me.

Only You.
Beautiful You,
Unforgettable, Undeniable You.

How shall my heart ever be worthy?

Have a picturesque day, sunshine.

wa min Allah at-taufiq.

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