
Sunday, October 23, 2011

ParentCam. Mikhail and Mikhail. An angry car-owner - Pictures tell Stories

PARENT CAM. A couple of days back, my good friend Rina posted up on Facebook a photograph of my son, Mikhail with another Mikhail. They were chilling under a tree in the school compound, when Rina grabbed a picture. I showed the uploaded photo to Mika and warned him that even when I am not around I have friends who are always keeping an eye on him. No doubt this will increase his paranoia (he is awfully shy already), but I comfort myself that this is good for him. I am a proponent of tough love. I just hope I don't have to pay therapy for him later. Might be expensive...
My Mikhail has a bit of a paunch, ergo his pants always fall under his belly.
The other Mikhail doesn't appear to have similar problems.
I love ParentCam. Thank you, Rina!
PHOTOGENIC NOT. My son inherits a personal trait of mine - we are not very photogenic. But it doesn't help that Mika always make faces when I am trying to take a picture of him. And I really gotta tell Bibik not to overdo on the talcum powder. He looks like he just fell into a sack of dough.
But to be fair (and not scar his self-respect for life)
he doesn't look half bad here. Hehehe.
THEM RASCALLY KIDS! Last week I visited my friend's new pad. While walking through the car park, she pointed out the car below. On the back screen was an angrily scrawled warning - "This is not an abandoned car. It is a fully insured car with road tax. Please do not let your children run on top of the car!!!" Poor guy. The vehicle in question was a mid 80-s BMW 5 series. He must really love the car.
No wordy  poetry this time. Just the poetry of pictures and people. God bless them all.

Have a lovely Sunday, sunshine.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

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