
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dove of the Soul, I am You - God's Mercy and Grace

27. Dove of the Soul
If you are pitiful,
Trembling in your skin
As night falls,
Know that in another part of earth
The Sun is shining bright and clear,
And in a beat of your heart
I would fly there,
To return before the second
With a little sunshine still
Reflecting in my eyes,
To light your path,
To lighten your burden,
To smooth the rough,
To give you the keys of heaven,
To assure with signs of love,
To render unto a flesh of humanity,
A glass of nectar poured
From four tankards’ full
Cheering “Ya Huu!” for God
And “Ya Hayy!” for His Rule.

If you are in distress,
And in sorrow undressed,
Know that in another part of earth
A child is smiling,
A couple is marrying,
A love is requited,
And in a beat of your heart
I would fly there,
To return before the second,
Bearing in my beak a little
Of the happiness for you,
To make you see,
How can you possible be
Sad and weary?
When as the Lord’s creation
You are caught in the spell
Of a Lord who loves,
And who loves well.

And now you ask,
Who am I?

I am you,
Released from
The prison of the present,
With each breath
That you gratefully inhale,
With each breath
That you meaningfully exhale.

I am the Nightingale of Prayers,
The Dove of your Soul,
My beak is made of pity
My head is crowned with mercy,
And my wings are tipped in gold.
And while you continue to age
In your mortal cage,
I, do not grow old.

For Death cannot understand me,
And Life appears transient to me,

Endless am I as
My Lord allows me to be,
My obedience is to Him only,
Not to time, nor to eternity.

Hu means He, as in the only He, also known as God.
Hayy is al-Hayy, as one of the divine names and attributes of God meaning 'the Ever-Living' or 'the Alive'.

If today is a little hard on you. If the place where you are at now is uncomfortable and stressful, do not worry too much. Like a caption in a Sunday newspaper cartoon spread, our life has a beginning and an ending, beginning from God and returning to God. And as God is the One who made you, why are we fearful and afraid? Afraid that God will leave us to our lonely sorrow? But if He loves us best, better than even the love of our sainted mothers, surely this is not a destiny meant for you - He that forgives you again and again for your contratemps and errors. He who is sorrowful for you in your sadness and joyful for you in your successes. 

Beyond the magnificence of their words do poets stutter to recollect their rationality in the Light of God's Love for His Creation. His Light is both illuminating and blinding. But this blindness is not a bad thing. It is a signal of our helplessness before His all-knowing Mercy and Compassion. We just have to believe in Him and believe Him...

Have a perfect day, sunshine.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam