
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Global Thanksgiving and God - Do not be shy...

25. Be not shy
Gifts and charity to My servants reaches me,
So be not shy to give.

Expressions of gratitude to My servants reaches me,
So be not shy to receive and respond with gratitude.

My friend from the USA tells me that it is now the Thanksgiving Holiday there. And he tells me that one of the blessings that he shall give thanks for is me, which is irredeemably sweet of him. I replied and said that it was the nicest thing someone ever said to me today, except for one observation made by another friend... "Taufiq, you are fat, but not THAT fat."

A couple of days ago a new prose entitled The Third Eye, Love and Her Fury from your prosy sinner (that's me) was published in the Rainbow Rose (Click Here for the prose), a poetry blog introduced to me by my poem-inclined amigo called Russell Streur, who runs his own poetry establishment at the Camel Saloon. The Rainbow Rose is now added to the poetry roll on the right hand side column.

Of the many American holidays, I think this is one of the most admirable. Happy Thanksgiving, sunshine, wherever you may be, American or otherwise - Because when it comes to giving thanks, it should be a global ideal...

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam

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