
Friday, November 18, 2011

THANK YOU FOR BEING A PART OF HOPE, AND NOT HATE - God, religion and humanity

14. The Sun & The Moon II (Epilogue)
By the Sun shall you see the Moon,
And by the Sun shall you see the Sun.
And blessed and oft-forgiven are those
Who share the Light with his neighbours,
Returning scowls with a smile,
Returning hate with love,
Returning weakness with strength,
And ignorance with the sweetness of understanding.

13. Muhammad is Here!
Do you have the fear?
Do not fear!
Do you have the hate?
Do not hate!
Believe and be reprieved,
For wherever you may turn,
He is here, Muhammad is here!

The Glory of Creation!
The Gladness of all God’s creatures!

These are two old prose recorded against the dominion of hate, the crusade of bigotry, the war of hubris now fought in our names by politicians and preachers who think they speak and act on our behalf. We are not one of their meek sheep, to be led blindly into the abyss of darkness. 

Though we may be clothed in different faiths, are we not brothers and sisters, you and I? Thank you, sunshine for being a part of humanity... For being a part of hope, and not hate.

Hate has no place in Islam. Hate has no place in any religion.

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