
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thinking of You - reciprocating God's Love

Thinking of You, under the Dew
She sat under the dew
And thought of You.

She did not see You,
But she felt You in the beauty
Clinging precariously
Above her crown.

The far horizon ebbed away,
Her soul awoke in another place
Till nothing was left of this world,
But the form of an Eve taking shelter
Under a dew,
Thinking of her Lord,
Thinking of You.

And verily, o’ Lord
I know that You are thinking
Of her too…

In the hurried, hasty world of the city, cramped between the concrete and the crowd, we sometimes forget God. But when we do remember God, we are only reciprocating His remembrance of us. We are not God, and we shall never outdo God in the manners and etiquettes of love.

So while we are chasing skirts or prince charmings, and getting ourselves hammered by rejections and disappointments, God has been remembering us in His Divine Thoughts 24/7. While we are asking for perfection from people who (by nature) can offer no perfection, God is offering us His Perfection, from which flows the perfection of our happiness in this world and the hereafter. I hope one day I shall always remember this good piece of advice...

May you have a memorable day, sunshine. Just remember God.

Pax Taufiqa

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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