
Monday, December 5, 2011

God never asks for what you cannot give - The Fellowship of Faiths

The Lord is not asking what you cannot give.
The Lord is not asking of you the world,
For the world is His already.
The Lord is not asking of you heaven,
For heaven is His already.
The Lord is only asking for your remembrance,
Whispering into your conscience...
"O, My servant. Do you not remember Me?"

The Lord is not asking of you the impossible,
For you to love and have faith in the unknown.

So look for Him and learn of Him
And discover why people through out the ages
Praise God in work and play, in song and hymn.

The Lord is not asking you to love
Someone who does not love you in return.

So look for Him and learn of Him
And discover the Fountain of all inspired
Sonnets, poems and prose of all love-sick lovers.

The Lord is not asking you to be friendless
And to walk the path alone.

So look for Him, the Friend of Friends
And He will bequeath a Fellowship to
Accompany you, however long your journey may be
However wavering your path may lie.

The Fellowship of Faiths. Your ego wants to go left, God wants you to go right. Your ego wants you to forget God. God wants you to remember Him. Your ego wants you to be praised and remembered. God wants you to praise and remember Him. Your ego will drive your life down a hubris-mad, hate-filled, greedy, envious and chaotic road, while God wants you to walk the middle path, the way of certainty to the knowledge of God. To travel this world and find beautiful things and beautiful people that reflect the Divine Beauty and Attraction that is God. But to do so we must bridle the ego and ride it the right way. And we need not struggle alone, not when there are friends, true and loyal who will be our constant support and good company in the Fellowship of Faiths. For the affliction of the ego-sickness confronts all religions.

This Monday is a good day to choose. Shall we ride the ego or shall our ego ride us?

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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