
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Good Company make the Tightest Corner Bearable - Family, Friends and Holy Agents

151. Footprints
What am I, but a stray pixel
From an inscrutable imagination,
A castaway
Of a heaven long forgotten.

Wandering the shores
Of time,
And finding strange footprints
Resembling my own,
Trailing out of some Untamed Sea.

In Good Company. Hullo, sunshine. The day began for me rather listless, but it ended just fine, stuck in a rush hour jam, returning from attending a signing. But when you are in good company, it really doesn't matter, does it? Well, unless you need an urgent toilet stop. But you get my point.

A Friend in Need. There are many, many things in life we rather avoid. From credit card bills, to traffic summonses, from colds, a stomach flu to cancer. But sometimes, these things just happen. Perhaps we have been negligent someways, we bought something we didn't need to, we over-ate or we simply ate the wrong things. Other times difficulties happen without our knowledge nor are we to be blamed at all. Like getting caught in a civil war. Like sitting in the wrong bus at the wrong time and in the wrong place. We just hope that when such things do occur, we have friends and family who will stick by us, come what may. Who will bear with our mistakes and our dire straits.

The Divine Agents. For God may be the Giver of Blessings, but by God, sometimes He chooses the most beautiful of agents to attend to us when we need attention most. May the Lord bless the care-givers, from the tiniest crumb of comforts to the biggest of sacrifices, like organ donors... For we are all wanderers in this life, and one day, God will welcome us home to His Untamed Sea. But so long as we are here, we are fortunate to be ministered by His agents - our family, our friends and kind strangers. 

Thank you, sunshine. For keeping me company.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Footnote: This is one of the earliest prose recorded by the sinner, some 8 years ago. I have published it earlier in this almanac, I am sure. I completed this sketch today and for awhile I have been going through my old writings to find something suitable. And I think that perhaps this is it.

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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