
Saturday, December 3, 2011

THE THIRD EYE, LOVE AND HER FURY - The future of Mecca

The Third Eye, Love and Her Fury
I whirled and twirled,
I turned and burned
Until the sky itself
Started to turn red around me,
And all of creation cascaded
In perfect symmetry,
Until no sound can I hear
But my own gasping death,

I could now see
Buildings standing higher
Than the holy stations,
As the Sun rises in the West,
And from the east, merchant ships come upon me,
To trade for my third eye their splendid cargo of love and fury.

I tell them that I am not he that they seek,
But they will not be swayed from their bargain
And asked again to see the celebrated third eye.

Relenting, I sighed and gestured towards the sky.

When I was in Mecca earlier this year I saw the tall hotels, malls and clock tower that now stand majestically and towering over the Masjidil Haram Mosque within which sits the Holy Kaaba. Aesthetically I think that it is rather unbecoming to have such high commercial edifice overlooking the single point to which all Muslims pray to.

If people think that God cares not for aesthetics and beauty, then perhaps they have been walking this earth with their eyes blind and their hearts stone cold.

May our eyes be open always and our hearts softened by remembrance of the Divine Gifts that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Have a lovely Sabbath, sunshine.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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