
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Names of God - Surely we cannot ask one thing from God and offer the opposite to our own brothers and sisters?

When you call unto God
As Ram, Christ, Buddha,
Celestial Being, Mother Nature,
Divine Justice or Allah,
It matters not to me so long
As He fits the description
Of the Creator.

If He does not fit the description,
You can call Him by any name,
And I will say that you misunderstand
And you need to stop reading with your eyes
And start seeing with your hearts.

When you call unto your fetish
As money, food, greed, pride,
Hubris, bigotry, selfishness,
Sex, impatience, vanity or anger,
It matters not to me so long
As it fits the description
Of your habits.

For don't you know?
You are worshiping what
You normally hold
In your hands
And what you normally
Hold in the fastness
Of your unbridled ego.

Be at peace with everyone who is not you, sunshine. Do not be trapped by hate and intolerance for the mere reason that others may have different names for the Creator. You do not need to look far to find hate and intolerance. It is in the millions upon millions of black sites and Youtube videos that promote their version of reality, these people who worship in the Religion of Hubris masked in the religion and traditions of their forefathers. The truth is that their forefathers would have rejected them now for being vicious, immoral and deprived of their God-given sense of mercy and empathy.

Have a good day, sunshine. Reject hubris and embrace tolerance. For has not God Himself tolerated us in our own vanity and foolishness? Surely we cannot ask one thing from God and offer the opposite to our own brothers and sisters? This is what I believe my Prophet teaches me. 

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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