
Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Photographer gets Photographed - Wedding of Amirul & Balqies

107. A Reason and Season III
For every reason
There is a season,
For every passion
There is an Eden,

For every man,
A gentlewoman,
In a book,
Long, long ago written.

I am rushing this morning as I do not want to be late for a wedding. This is the Aqad which is the solemnisation of the marriage vows between Amirul and Balqies, my cousin Zaid's eldest. Amirul is in Shell while Balqies is a photographer. In fact I have used her pictures before and placed her link on my blogroll for the longest time. I guess this time around it is the photographer who gets to be photographed. And seeing a recent picture of her, I think she will look beautiful today.

Being 42 years old with just enough white hair to pass off as a respectable middle-aged man, I have also been asked to be one of the four witnesses when the groom verbally confirms his marriage contract. My job is just to listen and say "Sah!" (Valid!) after his recitation of the correct words.  

Well, that's about it for now. As I said, gotta rush... we have a lovely couple to marry off!

Have an uber-fantistico day, sunshine.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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