
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Somewhere in the Goodness that is God, there is a place for you

Somewhere in the Goodness that is Thee
I am a failing beauty,
Ashamed am I to come before Thee,
I am the monk expelled from the abbey,
The mendicant begging in the alley,
The wretch scorned by delicate society,
Where will I hide my name from Thee?

I am the man of broken promises,
How will Thee have time for me?
I am old and not young anymore,
If I knock on Thy door
Would Thou let me in?
For there is no one else for me
And if Thou forsake me
There will be nothing left of me…

It is not love that has led me to Thee, I am sorry,
But my sin, my shame and my secret fear
That after all my error
There shall be no place for me here…

Hide me please.
That I might forget.
Thou has given me a name,
Take it back, take it all back
And hide me please,
Somewhere in the Goodness that is Thee.

However ill-used you have done unto yourself. However foolish the path you have trodden. However many open and secret vows you have broken. However low society has damned you. However false your happiness have been. However many masks you have worn. However many love you have lost, you cannot lose God. Somewhere in the Goodness that is God there is a place for you.

In this belief I am implicit because I believe in you, sunshine. The Universe has taken me aside and whispered to me of your true secret nature. If you do not believe me, ask God. 

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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