
Friday, March 30, 2012

No Goodbyes. Life, alas, goes on... - The Prince Part 1

28 December 1958 - 30 March 2012

No Goodbyes
I don't want to say goodbye,
I want to wake up from this silly dream
That my Master has died and is no more.

We all must one day return to God. Sometimes we die very young, sometimes we pass away in dotage. But nothing prepared us for the sudden passing of HRH Raja Dato' Seri Ashman Shah ibni Sultan Azlan Shah. Some people call him Shaykh Raja. Typically irreverent, I call him Ku Ash. Or sometimes, simply 'Boss'.  Near our house, which is not far from his house, the sky wept all morning into the afternoon, until finally when he was safely and lovingly returned to the bosom of the earth, the Sun reappeared - to remind us that life, alas, goes on.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way.


  1. Thanks brother. Life goes on indeed. Unexpected finale as I thought the show is always on... However, being boss, he always knew his role.. Al Faatihah - AA

  2. Till now I always wondered what his role is. He is so many things to so many people... and he was Mawlana's own prince... may we be reunited with him one day.

    1. He made everyone feel special in any forms - He never made judgement negatively - He was a source of inspiration - He taught in his silence way of teaching - I once heard from Maulana in reply to a question posed by a Malaysian politician "...HRH is the ruler of Dunya & Akhirah". To me, he was the core in everything I do and still is.... Al Faatihah - AA

  3. He is everything to me, now that I have lost everything, what am I to do? Life goes on yes, but how do I,..Al Fatihah,..salams.

  4. With patience and good manners, my friend. I am the last person on earth qualified to say this, but it is true nonetheless...

    May God relieve your tired and weary bereavement...


  5. i attended the night he lead the last zikir ...difficult to forget...he had a smiling calm and friendly personality...we hav lost a good friend and leader...may Allah bless him and place him in good company in the hereafter, and may Allah bless us and let us move forward with such good examples to remember. amin.

  6. He is known by numerous titles, names and nicknames, isn't he? It is a curious mix to be both friend and leader. But he managed it. With subtlety and sweetness.

    How wonderful it is to remember...

