
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Perfect Love (peace be upon him) -The Prophet, Music and Love

Realizing the presence of a most beautiful love,
The moment you sweetly embraced me...
Tercipta Untukku / Created for Me
Menatap indahnya senyuman diwajahmu -Pondering the beauty of your smile
Membuat ku terdiam dan terpaku - Stuns me silent and still,
Mengerti akan hadirnya cinta terindah - Realizing the presence of a most beautiful love
Saat kau peluk mesra tubuhku - The moment you sweetly embraced me,

Banyak kata - There are a lot of words
Yang tak mampu kuungkapkan - That I am unable to say
Kepada dirimu... - To you...

...Aku ingin engkau slalu - I want you to always
Hadir dan temani aku - be with me (and keep me company),
Disetiap langkah - At each step
Yang meyakiniku - Convincing me
Kau tercipta untukku - That you were created for me,
Meski waktu akan mampu - If only time can
Memanggil seluruh ragaku - Call my entire being,
Ku ingin kau tau - I wish for you to know
Kuslalu milikmu - That I am yours always,
Yang mencintaimu - The one loving you
The prose above is an extract from a love ballad by the Indonesian band called Ungu (Purple) - Click Here for the music video. It was a big hit in Indonesia as well as Malaysia when it first aired a couple of years back.

I have had the song in my iPod for the longest time, but only just a couple of days ago, I decided to actually listen carefully to it. When the melody and beauty of the lyrics hit me, I decided to steal the entire song, and dedicate it to my Prophet.

For I am a thief, you see. I could never write nor compose such beautiful love songs (how I wish I could). But when I listen to the lyrics, it is not the face of a woman that I see, but the presence of the Prophet that I desire. Actually, it doesn't have to be Indonesian songs. In this way, I have often been compelled to tears by English Folk, American Country and Gospel, Hindi ballads and devotional songs, Australian Pop and Malaysian Rock songs. How can I react any other way when their words resonate the presence of A Perfect Love (peace be upon him) in the deepest well of our hearts. Music, that most wonderful of Divine gifts, calms the beast within us, and for me at least, it stirs my love for my Prophet like a storm in a tea cup.

Have a musical day, sunshine. With someone whom you love, and who loves you back.

wa min Allah a-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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