
Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Wisdom of Not Knowing - When Nothing is More than Everything

The Wisdom of Not Knowing -
When Nothing is More than Everything
Do not let your knowledge
Get in the way of your learning, my son.
Do not let your understanding
Get in the way of your experimenting, my son.
Do not let your opinions
Get in the way of your inspirations!

Never say “I know.”, my son.
Say “I don’t know
And I am here to learn
And to be guided."

Never say “I will lead,”
Say instead, “I am here to listen
And to obey.”

This is an important lesson, my son;
Once you know nothing, you are nothing -
Then see how the Sun and the Rain comes and goes
At your beck and call.
For you have given yourself to nothingness and
Into the embrace of our One Lord, God,
You have given your all…
You have given your all…

Give more of your all…
Give more of your all…

For don’t you know?
Once you are nothing,
You become bigger than everything.

I try not to give knowledge to my son. Who am I after all? Am I so knowledgeable that I can condescend to pour knowledge into my son's mind? My school grades were pretty average, and my spiritual grades? Oh dear. I am too embarrassed to share with you!

We parents are not treasure troves of knowledge after all. We are merely stores of happy and painful lessons from our own lives. We cannot teach our children True Knowledge, but hopefully, we may yet be a lesson for them to the Path of True Knowledge - 

Parent to Child
When it comes to True Knowledge, my child,
I cannot dictate, I can only share. 
And I cannot command you, I can only advise...

Seek the Path!

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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