
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Soul's Winter - The Prince Part 16

36. Soul’s Winter
O’ ye who have strayed and lost thyself!
God has plucked the Good in thee
And deposited it into the care of another.
If thee wishes to find it,
Look for a man in whose heart enters no winter.

With him shall thou recall
The gentler seasons and good
That is in us all.

Sometimes, when we have made mistakes (and who hasn't?), we need someone else, a mother, a father, an uncle, a friend or a teacher to guide us back to who we truly are.

The journey of self-discovery is not a lonely path. It is a path littered with good people who help and guide us, and also the less-good who are also important - because you are also defined by your opposites. Fortunately, the wide open spaces of this world is enough for everyone - the saints, the saintly, the average, the naughty and the down-right bad. And that is lucky for me, because I myself have been down-right bad. But enough about the bad, I want to write about the good stuff...

Al-Marhum Shaykh Raja Ashman Shah ibni Sultan Azlan Shah (Ku Ash) unexpected left this world early this month. But for his followers, he left behind a guide, a dictionary of good manners which will help them look for the Good in them too. It is not actually a book, in fact the dictionary is not written at all - It is the beautiful memories, the kind gestures, the patience, the generosity of heart, and the strength that encapsulates this man. For this writer, the story of Ku Ash is still being written as I bump into his devoted friends, admirers, followers and groupies, and they share with me their own stories about their Prince.

I am not doing this for altruistic reasons. My purpose is all too selfish. I am looking for myself too, and I think it is hidden somewhere in the secret pages of his life.

God bless you. Have a lovely day, sunshine.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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