
Friday, June 8, 2012

Be Careful What Book You Pick Up, It May Be The Lord's! - the rain and the dervish

It Rained All Day And Night
It rained all day and night,
It rained with no respite,
It rained till morning came
And the Sun woke up.

It rained all day and night,
It rained with no respite,
But it bothered not the dervish
Busy filling his loving cup.

It rained all day and night,
It rained with no respite,
But there stayed the dervish
With his book, thinking...
"One must not be irritated
By every rub!"

It rained all day and night,
It rained without respite,
It rained till the riverbanks broke
But not once from his dream
Did the dervish awoke...
Wandering as he was
In the vast expanse
Of his heart,
In rapture of
Ahad and

You Must Be Careful
You must be careful what book you pick up. 
You must be careful into whose dreams you intrude. 
You must be careful through whose garden gate you peer into. 
And one must always be careful whose door one knocks upon... 
For if it is the Lord's, He is not one to leave your attention unanswered. 
Every question you ask of Him, He shall answer. 
Every riddle you pose to Him, He will certainly reply. 
He is after all, our One Lord God, and He is not one to leave 
His servants stumbling about with their whats, whos, hows and whys...

And if you think that God is miserly in granting His undivided attention to His servants... you have not yet found His door. It is not difficult, you need only ask and you will be invited in.

This is not the Lord's Door of course.
This is a door to the Lord's Door.
And it needs a new coat of paint.

Welcome! Welcome!

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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