
Monday, June 4, 2012

More Than 10,000 Reasons to be Happy - at the dervish ends of the world

THE 10,000 PROSE
If You gave me 10,000 life times and I live each moment in praise and worship of You, it shall not be enough to compensate You for all the Mercy You have shown me,

If You gave me 10,000 hands and I spent all my time writing prose and praise of You, it shall not come close to ascribing You the praise You are worthy of,

If You gave me 10,000 Angels and I spent all my time in communion with the Angelic host, it shall barely raise a murmur in the constant praise that all Creation sings of You,

If You gave me 10,000 cliffs to fall off, it shall not be enough to count the number of times You have made me fall in love with You,

If You gave me 10,000 songs to play in the hall of my heart, it shall not be enough to cover the vast horizons of my heart made expansive by Your love for me,

If You gave me 10,000 feet to run to you, it shall not overtake the light of Your love speeding towards me in each moment of my existence,

If You gave me 10,000 eyes to see, it shall not be enough to catch Your beauty and grace in this world that You have filled for me,

If You gave me 10,000 miles of golden thread, it shall not be enough for me to sew Your Names and Divine Attributes in the banner of my soul,

If You gave me 10,000 yearnings for You, it shall not surpass Your single yearning for me,

If You gave me 10,000 ways for me to say I love You, it shall not exhaust the ink of love that You have spilled into the well of my being,

If You gave me 10,000 exits from Your Presence, I shall still continue to blunder back to You, seeking Your Mercy and Assurance,

If You gave me 10,000 weaknesses in me, it shall not be enough to overcome Your Love for me vouched safe in the Name of Muhammad, Your Most Beloved!

If You gave me 10,000 books, it shall count as nothing compared to Who You truly are, the knowledge of which is beyond my mind, had You even given me 10,000 minds and 10,000 years to reason and postulate!

If You gave me 10,000 friends, they shall mean nothing to me if You are not my Friend,

If You gave me 10,000 lovers, they shall appear to me as ghosts if I do not have Your love first and foremost,

If You fulfilled 10,000 of my ambitions, I would still count myself a failure and lost if You will not fulfill Your own ambition for me,

If You gave me 10,000 more pages than what is already written here, they shall account for naught but a drop in a drop in a drop of Your unimaginable Sea of Love and Mercy for all Your creatures.

In the Name of Your Most Beloved, Muhammad Habibullah, write for me what needs to be written and in Your presence leave me never. Throw me into the spellbound river of your Love and shoot me off like a comet to the furthest reaches of my heart, that I might paint the golden walls with Your Names in loving, earnest splendor.

In a world where people have forgotten good manners, you haven't. And why worry about the countless flaming tweets, sms-es and postings, when the Lord Himself has sparked the white flame of love in that luminous heavenly lamp that you call your heart.

How lucky you are, sunshine... You are a dervish thirsting for God. So please remember this sinner when your dervish heart takes you down the dervish path to the dervish ends of the world...

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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