
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

THE PROMISE - I was there... and I saw it all.

Before the doctor gathered you into his arms, I was there and I saw it all,
When you opened your eyes for the first time, I was there and I saw it all,
When your mother embraced you for the first time, I was there and I saw it all,
When your father picked you up from your first fall, I was there and I saw it all,
When you cried as your mother left you in school for the first time, I was there and I saw it all,
When you looked at the world as a child, confused and a little scared, I was there and I saw it all,
When you turned teenager and do not know of your place in the world, I was there and I saw it all,
When you left school and took that first tentative steps to manhood, I was there and I saw it all,
When you traveled to a foreign land, seeking knowledge and experience, I was there and I saw it all,
When you returned to your delighted mother, I was there and I saw it all,
When you gave your heart away to only have it broken, I was there and I saw it all,
In your marriage and the birth of your son, I was there and I saw it all,
Through your divorce and the uncertainty that it brought, I was there and I saw it all,
And when you found love in the most unlikely places, I was there and I saw it all,
When you found yourself in the gathering of Sufis, I was there and I saw it all,
When you first kissed the hand and embraced the Masters, I was there and I saw it all,
In all your ups and downs, your valleys and peaks, I was there and I saw it all,
Through everything that you have experienced, many of which you have forgotten,

I was there and I saw it all.

But you did not see Me at all.

And now you speak to Me of love.

How can you, when you have not even seen Me?

In all My sweetness, in all My beauty, in all My mercy for you?

In all My forgiveness and My love for you?

Your yearning for Me accounts as small compared to My yearning for you,

And every second, every moment's delay of our meeting I accept because as your Lord,
I know what is the best way for you, I know what is the end for you...

Lo, how can you imagine I would desire any hurt upon you,
That I would desire anything but the best that I can give,
And as your Lord, the best for Me
Has no limits,

Just like My love for you.

We reflect and we project reality upon the canvas of this world. So reflect upon God in the most sweetest and endearing thoughts, and the world will be the sweetest and most endearing to you. This is not escapism but realism, for each moment of hopeful thoughts and prayers, each iota of I-will-never-give-up courage and fortitude that you manifest, each second of things-will-get-better that springs in the well of your heart, is yet another step to God, with God.

How can things NOT get better, when we are passing through this captioned life of ours to the one end that is for all of us, to God in His Divine Presence?

This is how my Prophet's teaching (s.a.w.s.) is taught to me, though I am the worst student and know nothing really, except for the moment that I am present. Everything else, in the past and in the future is belief.

May we learn to believe, to be better believers in the Promise.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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