
Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is Love? Pictures tell stories

What is love? Love means many things to many people. But I would like to believe that for most of humanity, all 7 billion of us, these few thoughts and depictions of love illustrates what is good and wonderful about us mortals. And however bitter, sad or disappointed we may feel sometimes, we must never give up on ourselves, for the Lord has not given up on us for even a single moment... Not at all.

I will shut up now and let the pictures take it from here...

Love is the innocent exploring friendship of children...
My son Mikhail has only a few close friends in school. But he remembers
them and sometimes exchange toys and books with them. One night, a mother of
one of his friends sms-ed Mika's mother, saying thanks for the advance birthday gift
that Mika gave her son. What the...?
Love is the gathering of knowledge with humility and compassion...
Karen Armstrong is one of my fav writers around. But I am ashamed to admit
that I have been finding it very difficult to finish her books... 
Love is the proposal, the engagement and the wedding table all set for the happy couple... 
A wedding is the culmination of every girls' dream. But for the groom, he is expected only
to get there on time and to avoid bumping into the furniture... 
Love is the signals, signets, signs and symbols worn as a token of affection and passion... 
The songkok (a traditional Muslim Malay headgear originating from India) is adorned with
the depiction of the sandal of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). In the old days, knights would
keep a token of his paramour close to his heart... 
Love is Daddy... 
Love is a rainbow cake for a 42-year old birthday boy... 
Love is relaxing on the massage chair...
"Papa...!" says Mikhail, "I feel like a hundred little hands are
punching my butt!"
And in finality... Love is God, and
God is Love

This is nothing but a small sticky note sneaked between the pages of our lives. Love adorns us wherever we go, whoever we are with and whatever we may be doing. Thus God has accessorize our life from His Treasure Trove of Love. It is all here, we only need to open our hearts, I think...

Sunday is coming to an end... God bless you, sunshine. Thank you for dropping in!

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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