Gossamer Screen II
He is the
Gossamer Screen,
And the Lord
made him with
Fine threads of
He is the
Gossamer Screen,
And he shines brightest at night,
When all the
world is asleep,
A long time in
the making,
His web of light
is stretched
From one end of
God’s infinity to the other,
And called the
Gossamer Screen
He reflects the
Lord’s Light better than any other.
He is the flower
of spring,
The first
snowfall of winter,
He is God’s own
Flowing with beauty and mercy,
As His Light falls
upon him,
It is Light
upon Light,
Praised by the
dead in the cold earth,
Praised by the angels,
deathless in the sky
The Sign of Mercy, Most Beloved of God,
The Gossamer Screen is he.
Oh well, this is what they tell me.
And yet the world is not an illusion for us. It is extremely real as we are born, we grow up, we work and play, we get married and have children, we love and we fight, we crawl, walk and run, we do all the things humanity has done since the beginning of time, until finally, we relinquish our hold to this world, to return to our Creator, God. So in its form, the world performs its function perfectly.
But form is not everything. There is of course the essence, the meaning of the world. And it is in this context that this world is illusory. For it betrays a deeper compelling purpose to our existence. It is to be a servant of God and to be of service to all our brothers and sisters in humanity. From this fitrah (essence) pours out all the very best of what we can be... honest, obedient, kind, compassionate, creative, loving, merciful and humble. This is the reflection of the Light of God, existing not just in Heaven, but on Earth as well. And the very best of Mankind reflects best the Light of our Lord. For the Muslims, this very best is Muhammad ibn Abdullah (s.a.w.s.), Prophet of God, anointed Mercy to all the world(s).
In the holy Quran, we read thus...
May your path be beautiful and meaningful, sunshine.
wa min Allah at-taufiq
It is the understanding of the Sufis, those praying, singing and dancing dervishes, that true reality is God's alone. We are only reflections of God's own absoluteness juxtaposed upon a transient mirror, fleeting moments in the imagery when contrasted with the infinite breadth of His existence. And this is quite interesting, considering when I look in the mirror I see me and no one else. As I am sure you do too (I mean you would see you, of course. Not me. Hehehe).
Oh well, this is what they tell me.
And yet the world is not an illusion for us. It is extremely real as we are born, we grow up, we work and play, we get married and have children, we love and we fight, we crawl, walk and run, we do all the things humanity has done since the beginning of time, until finally, we relinquish our hold to this world, to return to our Creator, God. So in its form, the world performs its function perfectly.
But form is not everything. There is of course the essence, the meaning of the world. And it is in this context that this world is illusory. For it betrays a deeper compelling purpose to our existence. It is to be a servant of God and to be of service to all our brothers and sisters in humanity. From this fitrah (essence) pours out all the very best of what we can be... honest, obedient, kind, compassionate, creative, loving, merciful and humble. This is the reflection of the Light of God, existing not just in Heaven, but on Earth as well. And the very best of Mankind reflects best the Light of our Lord. For the Muslims, this very best is Muhammad ibn Abdullah (s.a.w.s.), Prophet of God, anointed Mercy to all the world(s).
In the holy Quran, we read thus...
May your path be beautiful and meaningful, sunshine.
wa min Allah at-taufiq
Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way
Salam, this is beautiful, Tawfiq, and cannot be said often enough. We need constant reminders of Reality and the signs of the One are everywhere to read