
Friday, November 9, 2012

The Cartographer and the Map of the Human Spirit

Map of the Human Spirit
I am the hermit on the peak,
I am the monk in the cellar,
I am the priest in the temple,
I am the voice of everyone and no one,

I am the preacher on the soapbox,
I am the merchant in the market,
I am the judge, I am the jury,
I am the son of Adam, I am the daughter of Eve,

I am the sign of the times,
I am a universe all of my own, 
I am both made and unmade,
A thoughtful creation in
My Lord's imagination,

I am the minstrel for the stars,
I am a little servant of the servants,
In me you will find wickedness,
In me you will find virtues,
I am me, and I am also you,

The bear after the honey,
The knight after the dragon,
The alchemist after the philosopher's stone,
I am how my Lord made me,
And my quest is what my Lord makes it to be,

I am the Cartographer, 
Drawing the Map of the Human Spirit.

Anyone, indeed everyone can be whatever and whomever they desire to be - a scientist, a doctor, an artist, a cook, a housewife, a househusband, a preacher, a teacher, a mountaineer, a farmer... anything really. 

But above all this worldly ambition, they must learn of themselves - as some would call it the human spirit or the soul. It is not a choice really, for whatever we may be doing, we are all Cartographers of the Human Spirit, and in our daily deeds and conversations, slowly but with deliberate certainty, we map and chart out the seas and rivers, the hills and meadows, the high mountains and gentle valleys of our humanity.

But lo, how sad and limited is the vision of those who do not see that our mortal landmarks all lead to the heavenly seas and rivers, the holy hills and meadows and the divine mountains and valleys of the Life Hereafter. 

The Virtue of Adam and the Beauty of Eve manifest in the mirror of reality which we call our lives, which is not Reality itself, but a brief transient reflection of God's Own Reality, as how He Desires for us to contemplate and understand.

So I am greatly indebted to God for the richness of this world, and the infinite richness promised unto the kindly and compassionate of Mankind. You know... your kind mother, your gentle father, your thoughtful neighbour, your brothers and sisters united in the worship of the One God.

This is a little ray of light of the Light of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), Seal of the Prophets.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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