
Sunday, December 9, 2012

If Love needs to be tested, will Love allow you to be bested?

55. Love Test (2004)
I am He who heals all wounds
I am He who cherishes the afflicted
I am He whom you claim to love
What is love if it is not tested?

Love Test II (2012)
And if I am He whom you take Me to be,
Perfect in My love, Perfect in My mercy,
Do you think I am one to leave you alone
To face your test and to be bested?

God, through His prophets and revelations through the ages, from the time of Adam and Eve, through to Moses, Jesus and finally Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets (s.a.w.s.) has again and again assured humanity of His abiding affection and concern for us. 

We only need to believe in His love and Mercy, which is beyond the capricious passions of Man, infinite in its breadth, absolute and certain in its substance. Isn't this what we have been yearning for all our lives?

Have a lovely Sunday, sunshine. I think you will score the test of love with flying colours with God by your side!

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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