
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mercy Clouds of the Prophet and the end of the Tragedy of our Unhappiness

Heart Art by Cristina Colombo, Milan. You may visit her FB page here.
Mercy Clouds of the Prophet
Overcome, the fire in my heart turns into a red rose
Blooming beneath a stormy sky,
As the heavens themselves fell upon my personal inferno,
Quenching my burning blind pride,

Lo… for when the Prophet calls, 
Who can say no?!

Life is all about firestorms and rainstorms. And sometimes the fire is hidden away inside us, so that only rain from the Mercy Clouds of the Prophet can reach within us to douse and quench our personal inferno and end the tragedy of our unhappiness.

His Clouds come from the Lord's infinite Ocean of Mercy. Perhaps that is why also the sea and the shores of this world is so hypnotic to us... 

Have a lovely Sabbath and remember the Prophet (s.a.w.s.)!

wa min Allah at-taufiq

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

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