
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Dead are not Dead in Spirit - The Prince Part 27

Falling into the Sea
Falling in love is like falling into the sea
And not knowing how to swim,
You trash about, your hands flaying like crazy
Trying to keep afloat, trying to keep your reason,
Nobody sees your struggle, nobody understands your pain,
A little tiny speck in a vast ocean,
Until finally, you understand your Lover,
And learn how to breathe
Under water.

The Norms of the Afterlife
Life is all about
Preparing for the afterlife,
And acquainting yourself
To the norms of
The afterlife.

In its kind courtesies,
Its gentle ways,
Its subtle nuances,
Its mighty mercies,
Its infinite ocean
Of the Lord.

The Milk in the Pitcher
I am here,
But I am not all here,
I am a creature of history,
And this life is but one step 
In a journey from the past
To the future.
So excuse my haste
For I am in a hurry,
And it is my constant wonder
That people do not see
There is little milk
Left in the pitcher,
And I look towards this life and the next
As a divine adventure.

Death, my Kinsman
O’ Death!
Come to me gently in the Reality
Of what you are and who I am,
Come to me unmasked
And I shall wait for you unmasked,
Cast aside that face you wear
And I shall cast aside this face I wear,
For if ALLAH has in Truth, created,
He has created only Muhammad,
And in one body,
Can there beat more than one heart?

In the second morning, you will find Mikhail wandering around the royal cemetery of the Perak royal household on Bukit Chandan in Kuala Kangsar. "Where are the babies?" he asked as he looked around, standing on the side of a hill by the edge of the Perak River. He is always fond of babies and makes a particular effort to find their final resting place whenever we visit the garden of stone that is the garden of the dead. He wondered aloud why some graves were in 'cages' (iron fences, actually). I reckoned because they were close kin and told him so.

We finally found al-Marhum Shaykh Raja Ashman Shah's grave lying in a small quadrangle of the Maqam diRaja (Royal Mausoleum), still in its open soil without any marbled tomb raised above it. We normally leave the grave untouched for at least one year for the earth and soil to settle before raising its marbled edifice. Otherwise there is always the risk of the heavy marble sinking into the soil and cracking.

Before we left the royal town, we paid our last visit to Tok Temong's maqam. It was a lot warmer than yesterday, but a river side breeze came to cool the heat of this Sunday morning. Mika apologised for rushing our visit yesterday and looked pleased, as if he had settled an account. I cannot help but smile at his entreaties.

Sometimes I think that cemeteries and maqams, especially those that hold in their breadth the memories of the saints are wonderful places. A penthouse mansion that rises high above the mad rushing life of this world and its rat-race. I am glad Mikhail has no fear of such places. Indeed, he appears very much comfortable and contented. I think this is a good lesson for his future, however Allah (s.w.t.) and the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s) may plan it. 

God bless the dead, for they are not dead in spirit. God bless our children, for they are fresh with the spirit of life, curiosity and hope. And God bless you, sunshine.

wa min Allah at-taufiq

The Prince. The link to this post has been uploaded to The Prince Page, which contains all previous postings relating to al-Marhum Shaykh Raja Ashman. You can access the page by clicking here.

Hate has no place in Islam
Love will show the Way

1 comment:

  1. salam good sir,
    do you have a facebook account,
    mind adding me on facebook (Muhammad Ihsan Alfursan Almuridin)
